Water sports like wind surfing, kite surfing, wave surfing, SUP and kayaking are some of the most fascinating things to do in life.
Those are all weather and gear dependant activities where you have to find the perfect conditions and have the perfect equipment to enjoy them.
Most water sport fans struggle to do their passion back home, as many live far from the sea or can’t find the time during their working weeks. It is therefore our belief that a beach holiday must provide everything a water man/woman whishes for, in a short and intense time.
So our philosophy is direct to the point: “Offer the best in every detail. Strive to improve everyday. Thank the praise but seek the criticism”.
We follow this in every detail we can think of in our centers, even before they exist. It starts with the location. As a company owned by Brazilian boardheads, we have the knowledge and the freedom to establish in any beach we believe is the right one. And we are very picky on the matter. Excellent spots with 100% reliable wind; warm weather; waves; flat water and a great atmosphere. It has to be nothing less than “perfect” to have our flag.
Once we find a beach ticking all the "perfect" checks, we select the perfect location for the center. A place to relax, a place to breathe, wide open and green. Our architectural projects are made to preserve.
We cut no trees. We do it in style. We have designed the coolest and most welcoming centers in the world, in a very relaxing environment and we have a well trained team ready to spoil you in every department. Quality is our addiction!
We are proud to have the best brands of water sports equipment in our racks - Chosen by the Pro Riders in the water sport scene and by the constructive feedback of our customers.
Come at your own risk as you might not want to go back home!